15 Best Foods To Support Gut Health

15 Best  Foods To Support Gut Health

The entire state of health is dependent on healthy gut. If your gut is not healthy ,you will not be healthy. Your gut is foundation of healthy body and mind. What you eat everyday has direct impact on your digestive system.

Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. These bacteria, yeast and viruses are also called  “gut microbiome” or “gut flora”. Approximately 100 trillion microorganism exists in human gastrointestinal tract. Many microbes are beneficial for health  and some are even essential. Others are harmful , especially when they multiply.

If you want to improve your health, first you focus on your gut. Poor gut health can cause food intolerances, leaky gut syndrome ,chronic fatigue .That’s why it’s very important to make sure you have healthy gut.

To improve your gut health there are lot of exercises and diets so start getting healthy gut to improve your overall health.

It’s common for people  to think of taking probiotic supplements to improve gut health but your gut needs to move things through properly by changing habits and behaviors from nutrition and lifestyle perspective .

15 Best Food To Support Gut Health

Before making any big changes to your diet be sure to consult with the physician or a Registered Dietitian.

Probiotics/Fermented Food

By adding microorganisms like bacteria or yeast to a food source, probiotic foods are form. These food have more good bacteria to improve your gut health.

Here are some fermented food you may want to include in your diet to support the health of your gut:

1.Yogurts:- Yogurts contain lot of probiotic that help to increase good bacteria in your gut. The probiotic present in yogurt may help to remove harmful fungus and bacteria .It may reduce the symptoms like gastrointestinal disorders such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

2.Kimchi:- Kimchi is a fermented food which make it an excellent probiotic. Kimchi can be made from a variety of vegetables and even fruits. It can help you to maintain a good digestion, immune function and influencing your mental health.

3.Miso:- Miso is a soup made from fermented soybeans often mixed with other ingredients. It’s a versatile condiment available in many varieties. The probiotic present in miso reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and other problems with the digestive system.

4.Apple Cider Vinegar :-

Some of the claims for this is that apple cider vinegar will ease inflammation by supporting the digestion of problematic foods, as well by helping to prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria, apple cider vinegar will prevent and/or reduce gut inflammation.

5.Cottage Cheese:-  It is great  for your gut. As with other fermented foods, cottage cheese often delivers probiotics .

Prebiotic Food

Prebiotics are non-living indigestible plant fibers that are used up by the good bacteria in the colon to survive. Many foods around us contain a good amount of prebiotic fiber. All fibrous foods, for instance, are rich in prebiotic content.

Here are some foods that considered as best source of prebiotics :

6.Banana:- Banana which is noy fully ripe.Consume banana with Greek yogurt as dessert.

7.Onion:-  Onions are rich source of fiber and prebiotics which is necessary for good health. Prebiotics present in onion help to fasten the breakdown of food.

8.Sweet Potato :- Sweet potatoes contain two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both are very essential and helpful for the body. Fiber contains in sweet potato stays within your digestive tract and provides a variety of gut-related health benefits.

9.Chickpeas:- Chickpeas are high in dietary fiber, especially a soluble fiber .The good bacteria in your gut breaks this down so your colon can digest it slowly. It can help make bowel movements easier and more regular.

10. Broccoli :-The fiber content of broccoli specifically helps to improve the number and diversity of gut bacteria. Broccoli helps the gut bacteria by also providing a source of antioxidants called glucosinolates, which are broken down by the gut microbiome.

High-fiber foods: Fiber does a lot of good things for your gut, like softening stools so they’re easier to pass. Just be sure to slowly add high-fiber foods to your diet, as too much fiber too quickly can give you bloating and gas.

11.Beans :- It supplies abundant proteins, this food also helps us in maintaining smooth bowel movements.

12.Flax Seed:- The fiber present in flaxseeds absorb dietary fat from the ingested foods and promote easy bowel movements. Flax seeds are also rich in certain antioxidants that control the cholesterol level of the body.  It is useful to improve digestive health or relieve constipation.

13.Raspberries:-The fiber and water content in raspberries can help prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

14.Oats :- Oats contain a unique type of fiber that nourishes and restores healthy gut bacteria. This makes oats a great food to eat every day and they are especially suited to breakfast – porridges, muesli or a smoothie with oats.

15.Sprouted Grains:- Sprouting a grain makes it easier to digest because the starches are broken down. The process of sprouting grains neutralizes enzyme inhibitors as well as the sugars that can cause fermentation and gas in the gut.








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