
10 High Protein Food For Weight

For weight loss a high – protein ,low carbohydrate diet is most effective diet. Simply replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthy ones not for a weeks, but forever will help you to achieve weight loss .

Healthy diet means you should cut out processed foods ,sugary food and salty food. Remember ,your diet can affect your health , so make sure to talk with healthcare professional before making changes in diet .

Why high protein food for weight loss?

High protein diet can help people to loose weight because it can help them to avoid overeating. It increases muscle mass and increase metabolism.

If your goal is weight loss ,these 10 foods may help support a healthy weight loss journey .


Tuna is a good source of protein and typically low in fat ,which makes it an almost pure protein food. It is also good source of vitamin-B ,plus minerals like magnesium , phosphorus and potassium. It also has antioxidant properties.

Tuna contain some amount of mercury , but its high selenium content helps to protect against mercury toxicity.

2.Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is a lean source of protein and low fat meat. Eat chicken breast without worrying about gaining weight. It provide vitamin B ,minerals like zinc and selenium. High protein food support weight loss by keeping you full ,maintain your muscle mass and increase your metabolism.

3. Salmon

Salmon is an excellent source of  protein , omega 3 fatty acids and healthy fats. Eating salmon on regular basis may help protect against heart disease. It can help you to loose weight. It also improves brain function.


Turkey is good for weight loss. It is rich source of protein, vitamin B, good source of minerals  and low in fat. Vitamin B-6 helps to boost the body metabolism and helps to lose weight.


One medium egg has around 6g of protein .A healthy omelet is a good way to start the day. They’re good source of protein that easily absorb , and it is also an excellent source of vitamins , minerals ,healthy fats and antioxidants .Whole egg are incredibly healthy and may may prevent chronic diseases.

6. Lentils

Lentils is great and cheap source of protein. To maintain a healthy weight or lose weight lentils are helpful. Half cup of cooked lentils gives you lots of essential nutrients and their high fiber content makes you feel full.

7. Cottage Cheese

Eating plenty of cottage cheese is a great way to boost your protein intake. Dairy products are also high in calcium, which ha been help in fat burning process.

8.Greek Yogurt

It contain calcium, protein , probiotics ,iodine ,vitamin B-12 .It reduce appetite and hunger .It should include with balanced diet for weight loss and to increase metabolism. Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium , which can help improve bone health .its probiotics property support a healthy bacterial balance in the gut.


Tofu is made from soy beans .It is lower in fat and calories. For weight loss you can combine tofu with a diet mix of fruits and vegetables. It is great source of protein specially for vegetarians.


Shrimps is great addition to a weight loss diet . Its low mercury content makes it an attractive choice. Shrimp contain good source of vitamins ,high minerals.

These foods are not only high in protein ,they’re also incredibly filling despite being low in calories. For this reason they are among the most weight loss friendly foods .




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