Health Benefits Of Buttermilk

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             Improve Digestion The probiotic present in the buttermilk helps to improve your gut health and also inhibit growth of bad bacteria

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                  Reduces Acidity Buttermilk reduces irritation in stomach lining which is caused because of acid reflux

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              Prevents Dehyderation It Contains lot of electrolytes that helps your body to keep hyderated.It naturally hyderates your body and prevents from summer diseases

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         Reduce Blood Pressure The bioactive protein present in buttermilk that have  cholestrol reducing properties is recommended to high blood pressure


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              Help in Detoxification Buttermilk contain riboflavin also known as vitamin B2 tht helps in converting food  into energy.It improves liver function

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                  Rich in Calcium Buttermilk contains calcium. For those who are lactose intolerant and cannot consume dairy products buttermilk is best option for them. Since its rich in  calcium and doesnt contains fat it is also goog for weight loss