Things To  Keep  Heart  Healthy 

 Eat Healthy 

A heathy diet can reduce risk of developing heart disease.You can inculde fresh vegetables,fruits in your diets.

Exercise Regularly 

You need to exercise regularly. Experts suggest 150 minutes of exercise per week.Example Brisk walking,running,swimming, cycling .

  Reduce Stress 

Reducing stress may reverse condition that can lead to heart disease.

Maintain Healthy          Weight 

One of the best thing for your heart is maintaining  healthy weight . 

Get Enough Sleep 

A good sleep is as important as healthy diet and regular exercise.

  Avoid Smoking 

Smoking damage heart and blood vessels.Quiting smoking lower your risk of getting heart disease.

Reduce Salt Intake 

According to World Health Organization ,adult can consume less than 2g sodium per day for healthy heart. 

Avoid Saturated Fat 

Substitutes saturated fat with heathier option of food .Excessive consumption of saturated fat is major cause of heart disease.

 Dental Hygiene 

Gum disease increase the infection of bacterial infection in blood stream , which can affect heart valves .